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    Monday, February 04, 2008

    Tomorrow is Super Tuesday or the US Presential pimary elections in a number of states in the US. It's an exciting time to be in the US - after so many years of bungling and imperialistic foreign policy there is a palpable sense of change in the air especially here in California.

    This video by, who I've enjoyed seeing play live a few times, says it all:

    I hope this gets seen both domestically in the US and internationally and helps demonstrate that change is coming and that new media is integral to it.

    Saturday, February 02, 2008

    Whilst everyone seems to be losing their heads over Microsoft's "unfriendly" offer for Yahoo! it makes we wonder what this holds for the entrepreneurs and start ups in Silicon Valley and I'm torn:

    (1)on the one hand Yahoo! has been a profilic acquirer of great start ups like flickr and dialpad and a microsoft-google hegemony means one less buyer, less M&A activity and lower valuations

    (2)whilst Microsoft and Yahoo spend months if not years navel gazing and trying to work out how to co-exist (witness the turmoil at Skype and eBay) it gives focussed and passionate start ups the head space to create valuable businesses

    Overall I'm inclined to think that overall this is a good thing for experienced and focussed entrepreneurs and start ups who have the resiliance and vision to build strong stand alone businesses as opposed to "pump and dump" artistes who were hoping to flip their companies quickly.

    Friday, February 01, 2008

    One of the the reasons I joined Jaman was the idea that films are essentially a way for people to share their story. This has happened in families, tribes and groups since forever but the convergence of inexpensive video and the internet means this story telling can now reach and impact people on a much larger scale.

    That's why I'm proud that Jaman is supporting the Arab film maker Jehane Noujaim's vision about Pangea Day. Sharing these stories I think can make a difference - and if we share our stories perhaps we'll be able to appreciate the diversity and all understand each other a little better.

    Enjoy the amazing trailer here on Jaman: