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    Friday, December 14, 2007

    So one of my New Years resolutions will be to blog more often to share what's going on here in San Francisco with friends and family back home in Europe...and having made the resolution I thought there's no time like the present!

    Yesterday we had our Xmas holiday reception at Jaman. I was interviewed by Wendy Tenaka of Forbes about holiday parties and it struck me how different parties are here in the Bay area from back home. Here parties tend to be "nice" and low key and our party was no different. The music was barely audible and people ate great seafood and drank fine wines. Nobody was got drunk (good thing since you can only really drive to get here), no embarrasing stories and it was all over by 9pm. Compared to a European party where people revel the whole night long, dance, get drunk, hook up with someone completely inappropriate or jump into a jacuzzi parties here tend to be more buttoned up and civilised.

    Do Americans lose the ability to be outrageous, really have a good time and party after they graduate and leave their dorm rooms? My conclusion was that we do it better in Europe - much better. Parties, especially well earned company parties should be about letting your hair down, laughing till your sides hurt, sharing gossip and creating those shared moments in history that create those enduring team bonds...and if you can't walk never mind drive home afterwards that's a bonus!

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